2021 rider profiles


indy radcliffe

Bike: 2019 Yamaha YZ85

MWA Grade: 85cc/150cc 9-12yrs

Description: Indy is back IS BACK FOR ANOTHER ACTION PACKED SEASON OF RACING! 2021 MIGHT SEE A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT STYLE OF RACING FOR INDY AS HE HAS A KEEN INTEREST TO GIVE SOME ENDURO RACING A GO. Indy is a very joyful & energetic young lad with the determination that’s needed to make it to the top. You will never see this kid put any less than 100% of his heart into his racing. We’re pumped to be able to continue this journey with Indy in 20201. 

Indy finished 6th in the 65cc 10-U12 yrs & 10th in the 85cc 9-U12yrs in the 2019 WA mOTOCROSS State Championship. INDY WASN’T ABLE TO ATTEND ALL OF OUR SHORT 2020 RACING SEASON. INDY ATTENDED 1 OUT OF 3 ROUNDS AND FINISHED 9TH IN THE 85CC 9-U12YRS.

luca novello

Bike: 2019 KTM 85SX

MWA Grade: 85cc 7-U10yrs

Description: LUCA CONTINUES UNDER THE BIG GREEN! Luca has flown under the radar for quite some time. After a very strong season in 2019, HE FOLLOWED UP IN 2020 WITH ANOTHER SOLID SEASON BEHIND BARS. there’s no doubt that 2021 will be his finest yet! A cheerful, devoted young lad, ready to take on any challenge that gets thrown at him. We’re excited to CONTINUE THIS journey with Luca in 2021. 

Luca finished 5th in the 65cc 7-U10yrs in the 2019 WAMX State Championship. WE HAD A SHORT 2020 RACING SEASON , LUCA FINISHED 4TH IN THE 65CC 10-U12YRS & 8TH IN THE 85CC 9-U12YRS