2019 WAMX State Championship - Round 6 Manjimup
A huge weekend of racing for our squad in Manjimup for the final rounds of the WAMX Junior & State State Championship. We wanted to finish the year off strong and sure enough, these legends never disappoint! Will Rush came out of the gates hard taking 3rd in moto1, he finished strong to take 6th O/A. Rhal Selwayshowed some great speed, a few dirt samples resulted in some hard fought comebacks & he finished the day 6th O/A. Kaj Radcliffe proved once again why he’s consistently in that top 10, with smooth, calculated & consistent racing. He finished the day 8th O/A. Indy Radcliffe the little ripper was on it all day, charging hard as always to finish the day 6th O/A on 65cc & 11th O/A on 85cc. Skye Graham rode his heart out, after a few average starts he fought his way through to take 9th in his first 2 motos. Unfortunately lap 1 of race 3 his throttle cable snapped which ended his day with a DNF and resulted in 11th O/A for the day. On Sunday our senior squad was a little thin with both our MX1 riders out. Harry Phillips wrapped up his state season strong with good consistent motos, he finished up 19th O/A for the day with round 3 being cancelled 🏁
A huge shout out to our Youneek family & supporters for all the help throughout the season, we couldn’t do it without you guys! 👊
📸 J.F Photography, True Spirit Photos & Be Youneek
Rest In Peace Rhys “Roo” Burnett #14 ❤️ Forever in our hearts
Thanks to our sponsors for making it all possible! Oakley, SK Designs Australia, Motul, Mandurah City Yamaha KTM Motorcycles, Dunlop Motorcycle Tires, ProX Racing Parts, Youneek Kustoms, Pipe King Pipe Repairs, Faint Obsession, Airblast Australia, Motomuck, SP Moto Seats, What Disability, FLO Motorsports
#teamyouneek #youneekriders #youneekfamily #beyouneek #youneeklifestyle #youneek_racing #skdesignsaus #skda #ridedunlop #oakleyaus_nz #motulaus #mandurahcityyamahaktm #prox_racing_parts #youneek_kustoms #pipekingpiperepairs #motomuck #faintobsession #airblastaustralia #spmotoseats #whatdisability #flomotorsports #ridedunlopau #motul #premierautomotivepaints @ Manjimup Motorcycle Club