2019 WAMX State Championship -Senior Round 2 LWMCC
It was a ripper day with our seniors at round 2 of the WAMX State Championship at Lightweight Motorcycle Club in Byford. A well prepped track made for an awesome day of racing.
Mario Dercole came into this one fired up after a rough start to his season in round 1. Turns out we need to get him fired up more often! He smashed the day to come away with equal 9th but 10th on the count back.
Harry Phillips showed huge improvements throughout the day, feeling much more at home on the hard pack, he settled for a hard fought 16th overall!
Mario Dercole now sits 7th in the MX1 Championship & Harry Phillips sits 16th in the MX2 Championship. Very proud of all the effort these lads put in, both on and off the bike! 🏁
Shout out to Lachy Horton & Josh Courtney for swingin’ off the pit board for these legends!
📸 @official_jackfoleyphotography & @true_spirit_photos •
Thanks to our sponsors for making it all possible! @oakleyaus_nz @skda.moto @motulaus @mandurahcityyamahaktm @ridedunlop @prox_racing_parts @youneek_kustoms @pipeking72 @faintobsession @motomuck @spmotoseats @flomotorsports
#teamyouneek #youneekriders #youneekfamily #beyouneek #youneek_racing #skdesignsaus #skda #ridedunlop #oakleyaus_nz #motulaus #mandurahcityyamahaktm #prox_racing_parts #youneek_kustoms #pipekingpiperepairs #motomuck #faintobsession #spmotoseats #flomotorsports #ridedunlopau #motul #premierautomotivepaints

Photo credits - JF Photography & True Spirit Photos
2019 WAMX State Championship - Seniors Round 1 CMCC
Our senior squad battled it out on Sunday at round 1 of the WAMX State Championship, faced with some extremely challenging track conditions they fought their way through until the very last lap.
Steven Pocock riding smooth and staying super consistent to finish 11th overall in MX1.
Mario Dercole pushed his way through some bad starts to finish 16th overall in MX1.
Harry Phillips tackled his first state round as a senior in MX2, although it was a tough one he had no hesitation to give his all and finished the day 17th overall 🏁
Special thanks to Lachy for swinging off the pit board all day and helping out in the pits. So proud of all our Youneek riders for giving it their all 💪
Thanks to all the Youneek family and supporters for backing the team!
Photos from the day can be purchased via the links below:
True Spirit Photos - https://www.truespiritphotos.com/Motorsport/Motocross-2019/WAMX-Seniors-Rnd1-Coastals-MCC-28042019/
JF Photography -
Album #1 https://www.facebook.com/960751380670316/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2331983736880400
Album #2 https://www.facebook.com/pg/JF-Photography-960751380670316/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2332262850185822
Album #3 https://www.facebook.com/960751380670316/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2332715493473891
Album #4 https://www.facebook.com/960751380670316/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2334019286676845

Photo credits - JF Photography & True Spirit Photos