Frequently asked questions
If you can’t find the answer to the question you’re looking for, be sure to contact us or hit us up on Facebook or Instagram!
q. how can i get on the youneek racing team?
a. the youneek racing team riders are usually hand picked by the youneek racing team managers.
riders who believe they have the potential to be a youneek racing team rider can also apply by sending their resume to our email.
All team applications for next season, with your motocross resume included, can be sent to
Feel free to send an application at any time of the year, but please understand we have a large number of applications and can only take on a certain number of riders each year.
q. Can youneek racing sponsor me?
A. Youneek Racing is purely a race team and does not offer sponsorship options to non-team members, however, we do have a rider support program through our mechanical/customization business Youneek Kustoms.
Applications for Youneek Kustoms sponsorship can be sent to
Q. I don’t live in western Australia, can I still be on the team?
A. Unfortunately not. youneek racing only operates within western Australia, we require team riders to compete in the wamx state championship and manjimup 15000. if you are unable to compete in these events, then we cannot offer you a position.