2019 WAMX State Championship - Seniors Round 5 Beverley
WAMX Senior State Round 5 was a bit of a rough one!
Steven Pocock rode consistent in the first 2 rounds, struggled a little with arm pump but pushed through it. Unfortunately in race 3 he took a digger and dislocated his shoulder, however that race ended up red flagged so he finished equal 10th O/A based off the first 2 rounds.
Harry Phillips had a solid ride in moto 1 finishing 16th, moto 2 being the sprint he struggled a little more as he prefers the longer motos & round 3 was cancelled after the MX1 crash so he finished his day 21st O/A.
Unfortunately Mario Dercole was unable to attend this round but we are keen to see him back in action soon! 🏁
Wishing Daniel Guy & Dylan Sexton a speedy recovery after going down hard in round 3.
📸 J.F Photography, True Spirit Photos & Be Youneek
Thanks to our sponsors for making it all possible! Oakley, SK Designs Australia, Motul, Mandurah City Yamaha KTM Motorcycles, Dunlop Motorcycle Tires, ProX Racing Parts, Youneek Kustoms, Pipe King Pipe Repairs, Faint Obsession, Airblast Australia, Motomuck, SP Moto Seats, What Disability, FLO Motorsports
#teamyouneek #youneekriders #youneekfamily #beyouneek #youneeklifestyle #youneek_racing #skdesignsaus #skda #ridedunlop #oakleyaus_nz #motulaus #mandurahcityyamahaktm #prox_racing_parts #youneek_kustoms #pipekingpiperepairs #motomuck #faintobsession #airblastaustralia #spmotoseats #whatdisability #flomotorsports #ridedunlopau #motul #premierautomotivepaints @ Beverley Districts Motorcycle Club Inc.