2019 WAMX State Championship - Juniors Round 4 Chidlow WAJMCC

A great day of racing by our juniors at Round 4 of the WAMX Junior State Championship.

Will Rush was on a mission! Battling in the top 4 all day, a big crash in race 1 bumped his final result to 4th O/A.

Rhal Selway rode smooth all day, race 3 he came out of the gate strong holding 2nd but unfortunately slid out mid way though the race. Rhal finished up 6th O/A for the day.

Kaj Radcliffe had some ripper starts in his moto’s! As always Kaj showed great consistency and speed to come away with 6 O/A. Our little shredder

Indy Radcliffe didn’t hold back, showing no fear as he held that 65 pinned & clinching another top 10 on the big bike. That placed him 6th O/A on the 65cc & 10th O/A on the 85cc.

Skye Graham had an outstanding day on the 65cc but unfortunately battled mechanical issues all day on the 85 which showed in his results, he finished up 8th O/A on the 65cc & 15th O/A on the 85cc 🏁

Thanks to all the Youneek family and supporters for their help!

📸 J.F Photography & Be Youneek

Thanks to our sponsors for making it all possible! Oakley, SK Designs Australia, Motul, Mandurah City Yamaha KTM Motorcycles, Dunlop Motorcycle Tires, ProX Racing Parts, Youneek Kustoms, Pipe King Pipe Repairs, Faint Obsession, Airblast Australia, Motomuck, SP Moto Seats, What Disability, FLO Motorsports

#teamyouneek #youneekriders #youneekfamily #beyouneek #youneek_racing #skdesignsaus #skda #ridedunlop #oakleyaus_nz #motulaus #mandurahcityyamahaktm #prox_racing_parts #youneek_kustoms #pipekingpiperepairs #motomuck #faintobsession #airblastaustralia #spmotoseats #whatdisability #flomotorsports #ridedunlopau #motul #premierautomotivepaints @ Chidlow Junior Motocross Wajmcc


2019 WAMX State Championship - Seniors Round 5 Beverley


2019 WAMX State Championship - Seniors Round 4 Cranbrook