Senior Race Report Nathan and Katika Senior Race Report Nathan and Katika

2019 WAMX State Championship - Seniors Round 1 CMCC

Our senior squad battled it out on Sunday at round 1 of the WAMX State Championship, faced with some extremely challenging track conditions they fought their way through until the very last lap.
Steven Pocock riding smooth and staying super consistent to finish 11th overall in MX1.
Mario Dercole pushed his way through some bad starts to finish 16th overall in MX1.
Harry Phillips tackled his first state round as a senior in MX2, although it was a tough one he had no hesitation to give his all and finished the day 17th overall 🏁

Special thanks to Lachy for swinging off the pit board all day and helping out in the pits. So proud of all our Youneek riders for giving it their all 💪

Thanks to all the Youneek family and supporters for backing the team!

Photos from the day can be purchased via the links below:
True Spirit Photos -
JF Photography -
Album #1
Album #2
Album #3
Album #4

Photo credits - JF Photography & True Spirit Photos

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Junior Race Report Nathan and Katika Junior Race Report Nathan and Katika

2019 WAMX State Championship - Juniors Round 1 CMCC

What a wild ride! Our junior squad took on State Round 1 over the weekend, the first day had its fair share of challenges but all in all it was great weekend of racing by all the young lads.
The highlight of the day was watching Will Rush fight for 3rd in round 3, an absolute banga of a race! Will Rush finished up 4th overall.
Rhal Selway took a few big diggers but fought his way through to take 4th overall.
Kaj Radcliffe fought the fitness demons to take out 5th overall.
Indy Radcliffe showed great speed and consistency on the 65cc, finishing 6th overall while on the 85cc struggled to keep it upright but pushed and pushed to come out 15th overall.
Skye Graham had his fair share of bike issues, unfortunately his 65cc results show it, finishing up 14th overall on the 65cc with 1 DNF, 1 DNS & 14th overall on the 85cc.
Ryder Coad taking on his first ever state round pushed through on a super rough track to finish up 6th overall on the 65cc & 19th overall on the 85cc 🏁

Thanks to all of our Youneek family and supporters for their help and support throughout the weekend.

Photos from the day can be purchased via the links below:

True Spirit Photos -

J.F Photography -
Album #1
Album #2
Album #3
Album #4

Photo credits - JF Photography & True Spirit Photos

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