2019 WAMX State Championship - Juniors Round 3 Cranbrook

Wild weekend of racing in Cranbrook for the WAMX State Championships. Our junior squad had a challenge on their hands for round 3 with the extremely muddy track conditions.

Will Rush displayed true commitment in race 2 after going down in a 1st turn crash which resulted in his seat/tail being snapped off, he completed the race standing! Rushy finished 7th O/A.

Rhal Selway was unfortunately unable to gain any points for the day after his engine seized in race 1.
Kaj Radcliffe pushed through the tough conditions, keeping it consistent as always, Kaj finished 6th O/A.

Indy Radcliffe had a few ripper starts and kept it smooth throughout the day which helped him on his way to 5th O/A on 65cc & 11th O/A on 85cc.

Skye Graham was shredding on the 65cc with some strong moto’s to finish 8th O/A, however struggled a little on the 85cc with the wrong gearing for that terrain, landing him 16th O/A. A really top effort by all the young lads considering the conditions 🏁

We’d like to say a huge thank you to the Cranbrook Motocross for putting on such a well organized event and going that extra mile to help out. Thanks to our Youneek family and supporters for all their help as always!

📸 True Spirit Photos & Be Youneek

Thanks to our sponsors for making it all possible! Oakley, SK Designs Australia, Motul, Mandurah City Yamaha KTM Motorcycles, Dunlop Motorcycle Tires, ProX Racing Parts, Youneek Kustoms, Pipe King Pipe Repairs, Faint Obsession, Airblast Australia, Motomuck, SP Moto Seats, What Disability, FLO Motorsports

#teamyouneek #youneekriders #youneekfamily #beyouneek #youneek_racing #skdesignsaus #skda #ridedunlop #oakleyaus_nz #motulaus #mandurahcityyamahaktm #prox_racing_parts #youneek_kustoms #pipekingpiperepairs #motomuck #faintobsession #airblastaustralia #spmotoseats #whatdisability #flomotorsports #ridedunlopau #motul #premierautomotivepaints @ Cranbrook Motocross


2019 WAMX State Championship - Seniors Round 4 Cranbrook


2019 WAMX State Championship - Seniors Round 3 CollieMCC